Montana Christian Elopement Photographer

It's a passion project

Amberly Kay

If you are hoping to find a 'more than' photographer, then look no further. This job is so much more to me than just clicking a button, and honestly its so underrated. Not only do i strive to create art out of your love story, but i'm here in hopes of creating meaningful connections and help couples creat and live their wildest 'yes day' dreams.

My art is where I bare my soul.

Capturing the essence of wild romance and heartfelt connections is what I live for. As a wildly passionate elopement photographer, I strive to create breathtaking images that transport you back in time, allowing you to relive your special day over and over again. Let me take you on a journey into my world, where love and nature intertwine & glorifying God is easy.

It's hard to believe that just 3 years ago, I embarked on this incredible adventure with no prior experience behind a camera. I taught myself everything I know, pouring my heart and soul into mastering the art of photography. Each click of the shutter became an opportunity to capture the beauty and emotions that make elopements so extraordinary.

Beyond my love for photography, I am a devoted wife and mother of four. Being surrounded by the boundless love of my family has nurtured my passion for documenting love stories. I understand the importance of preserving those precious moments, and I bring that same dedication to every elopement I capture.

A Romantic Passion Rooted in Adventure & Jesus

Growing up I was the eldest of a handful of kids. Step siblings and half siblings and like magic I fell right into the middle once we all came together. But for a while I was the oldest, and at no fault of my parents, I felt an enormous amount of pressure to live up to some unspoken level of perfection

I found myself doing lots of things throughout my life, because it was what I thought I was supposed to do. I was friends with people I thought my parents would like, I spent hours cramming for tests so I would remain in the top of my class, I struggled with living up to this imaginary standard I had set for myself. 

The summer after I graduated everything changed. I did something brave. I did something so freaking cool. I did something for myself

I moved to New Zealand at just 18 years old and embarked on a year long adventure that changed my life forever. I grew a hunger for exploring. I found a passion for life I had never felt before. I realized that for the first time ever I felt fully alive.

And I've been doing life MY way ever since!

18 year old baby me living my best life chasing my own soul!

Core Value : Do Whatever The Heck YOU Want To

My Jesus Story

IF there is one thing I can speak to, it's that my Jesus story is an imperfect one. I have not always been an obedient follower of Christ, and even battled with the choice to include Him in my business. 

I lived a very sinful, and worldly life for many years. If ever there was a theme for my story it would have to be REDEMPTION. You know that song, "He leaves the 99." Yeah, that was me, just floating through life as a little lost sheep.

Though, I try my best to follow the lead of the Spirit, I'm nothing more than in imperfect person in need of a savior. By his grace alone, I have been given a second chance. An opportunity to be a better me. To share the gospel with people like you. And a chance to thrive in a life that brings me joy.

I will glorify Him in all that I do moving forward, and that includes the weddings I photograph. I hope that you will be another chapter in my Jesus story.

The power of never forgetting

Life is so short and I've been taught one too many times with brutal force just how quickly it can all fade away. The best part about my job is: Photos hold onto the moments we can't let go of, even when the memory has faded.

I lost my dad when I was just 25 years old to an extremely aggressive form of brain cancer, and it changed everything about my life. I suddenly understood all too well just how fragile life is. How quickly it can all be ripped away, and I thought i would never experience pain like that again... until 2 years later when my daughters dad passed away. 

I look back at all the photos we have of these two men, and I know i will never stop taking photos. Of my husband. My kids. Our life.

So, for you I will help create magical moments with the people you love the most. Photograph your life in the most romantic of ways. When the day is done and everyone goes home you wont have to rely on the testy memory you've been given. You will have a lifetime gallery of all the best parts of that day. From engagements, to weddings and elopements your day will be preserved through the lens of someone who knows to capture the little things. all the tiny little moments you'll never want to forget.

What's next, bestie?

Let's talk about all the things!